Booster For WooCommerce plugin and WPSyncSheets For WooCommerce plugin conflict issues
Booster For WooCommerce plugin have already installed and after WPSyncSheets For WooCommerce activated then have white blank screen issues.
There are conflict with the CSS code for whole main content area of the WordPress admin panel page. Here we have error screenshot,

Please follow the steps to resolved the issues as above,
Go to your current theme functions.php file and add following line of code to allow CSS to display all the code for our plugin.
function load_wpss_custom_admin_css($hook) {
// Define the specific admin page(s) where the CSS should load
$specific_page = 'wpsyncsheets_page_wpsyncsheets-for-woocommerce';
// Use get_current_screen for more precise targeting
$current_screen = get_current_screen();
if ($current_screen->id === $specific_page) {
// Enqueue your custom CSS file
echo '<style>
#wpbody-content {
float: none !important;
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'load_wpss_custom_admin_css');
Once we will add code then save functions.php file will resolve your issues with below full screen of the plugin.